Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Small, growing things.

Well, the garden seems to have bounced back nicely after that hail storm a week and a half ago. We've since had a pretty nasty wind storm as well (strong enough to rip a piece of our siding trim off the front of the house and throw it into the back yard!) but the plants don't seem to have been bothered.

This past weekend Frank helped me get the rest of the tomato cages painted and put out. The tomato plants in the raised bed are still smaller than those in the containers, but considering they were planted two weeks later and took a beating in the hail storm, I'm not particularly surprised. As you can see, the rest of our veggies are starting to sprout nicely!

The last thing we needed was more tomato plants, but I caught sight of this little beauty at Home Depot and couldn't resist- it's a tomatillo plant! Tasty little green tomatoes that are great for Mexican sauces. Mmm mmmm! Seems to like its new pot, I swear it's doubled in size in just a few days.

More good news post-hail: My cilantro livesssss! This one is snapping back nicely after nearly getting obliterated by the hail. The second cilantro plant is still looking a little sad, but I'm hopeful it'll recover as this one did.

More tomato plants, my little jalapeno plant, a few small rows of carrots, yellow bush bean plants and lots of onion sprigs poking through!

Updated shot of my container tomatoes. Check out the difference compared to my earlier photo!

This Early Girl plant is the biggest of our tomato plants so far. I noticed today that it even has its first little yellow flower!

Even my teeny-tiny Roma plants are starting to take off!

In addition to all the green stuff, I've also got some furry babies I'm taking care of. We do foster care for the local Humane Society, and sometimes I get teeny babies that need bottle feeding. These guys are around a week old, and I've got 3 of them- two boys and a girl. Two more boys are with another foster and 3 from the litter unfortunately didn't make it.. they were found abandoned in a box inside a public restroom. :(

This is the larger of the two boys, and has a brindle coat pattern. The other boy and girl are light tan with a black mask. It's really too early to tell what mix they might be, exactly, but I'm guessing shepherd/pit.

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