Sunday, April 3, 2011

Originality, restated

I have not blogged in a long, long time. Since college, in fact- and that's nearing on 10 years ago. I'm not sure what compelled me to start this one. Perhaps I just have too many ideas running around in my head and needed a place to jot them down in some sort of orderly fashion.

So why would anyone want to read what I have to say? To start, I believe the concepts of originality and individuality to be pure myth when it comes to the internet, or most facets of life for that matter. Sure, we still hear the teenage mantra that everyone is unique and special, but really? These days no one can say or write anything that could truly be considered original. Whatever glittering gems you have buzzing around in your head, however based on or shaped by your life experience and the world around you, have buzzed around in the heads of countless people before you.

Now, before you start to think I'm slipping into some self-pitying, world-hating spiral of delusion- let's bring this concept to purpose. My name is Julie, and I love many, many things. Travel, my sweet husband, the cavalcade of four-legged companions that reside in my home (both permanent and temporary), pop culture, and not-so-pop culture. I garden, sew, play hockey, rant, cuss and go to the opera.

Which brings us to our title. This paraphrased life. I'll post a lot of random things here, some interesting, some drab. All of it paraphrased from other people in some shape or fashion, intentionally or not. But whatever the topic, it will be fleshed out and rounded as I see fit.

That said, I honestly hope someone gets some measure of pleasure from reading this thing- as I'll no doubt enjoy writing it!

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