Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sewing Projects: The Resurrection

Terrible sci-fi'esque title aside, I finally purchased a new sewing machine earlier this week and have been getting acquainted with it over the last few days. I dug up a huge stash of fabric I purchased for a quilting project I started almost 8 years ago and set about finally finishing the darned thing.

 Behold, the resulting carnage that was once our dining table. Although, to be fair, we never actually eat on it anyway- so I don't feel too guilty about claiming it as my new crafting territory.

My new machine is a Singer Esteem II. Pretty cheap and simple, but more than enough for my purposes.

My first assembled quilt chunk- yay! Really, I know little to nothing about quilting so I just made up the pattern based on the number of cloth types I had. This block will be alternated with another in the same pattern but with different color placement, and I'll have a border of some sort to add in later. I'm aiming for Queen size as that's the size of the batting roll I purchased originally, but we'll see.

I'm also attempting to make a new set of place-mats for the table we never eat on. I originally bought a pretty expensive set, only to have half of them ruined by an accidental bleaching (thanks Frank!). This is a rough draft, as I need to clean up the stitching.

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