Monday, May 2, 2011

Puppy update

Just a quick update on our foster puppies - all of which are doing great! They're now about 3 weeks old, have opened their eyes and are turning into fat little goobers.

Here's an updated shot of the little brindle boy I posted earlier. I've taken to calling him Bear for obvious reasons.

Frank's been a champ helping me out with this bunch. He's definitely not one for getting up for 4am feedings, but thankfully they're old enough to sleep through the night now.

I anticipate we'll have them another week and a half to two weeks, by which time they'll be off the bottle and can go finish up their foster period with another family before going up for adoption. As much as I'd like to keep them for the duration, there are just too many parts of our house that are "off limits" due to a parvo exposure we had a few months ago with some previous fosters.


  1. Bear is the perfect name for that little furball - SO cute!

  2. Bear is too cute!!! How will you give them up?!!! x

  3. Aaaawwwww, they're just the sweetest!!! (Thank you for your kind comment on my blog, you made my day!)
